Rose A Day – 29

Isn’t it just fulfilling and inspiring as the sun
when the universe seems to align with our strides,
and we become aware of all the trials’ worths
– IV

Just keep going. Keep moving onward. These moments are meant to raise your spirits and take you through all the difficulties still ahead. This journey is your greatest task. You are searching for the greatest treasure one may uncover in the universe. What is it? Here’s a few hints… It’s not as far off as you think it is. It isn’t guarded by any malevolent beasts. Only you can attain it. Only you may grasp it.

This journey your on leads to yourself. It’s what all the heroes in the myths ultimately find out. They left ‘home’ to go out and bring back their true self. To unearth the confidence in their own becoming and growth. They learned of their weaknesses, took risks to overcome them, and reached great heights. Maybe they slayed a few demons along the way. That’s just code for ‘we all have our problems’. What could be more valuable, more beautiful, than becoming you, the best you possible? Trust that there is no greater sensation than being you.

Who has a greater chance at success… The person who never found themselves or the person who is absolutely confident in who they are? This is your life. This is your art. You have to go down into the deep dark cave and bring back that great treasure. You are the hero of your own story. This is all up to you. Others are here to support you, as I am, but the work has to be done by you. Now look to the positives, what did you do well today? Remember everyone is on a journey of their own, so don’t be afraid to throw some encouragement to out.

Did you go after that goal today? Tomorrow is a new day to put in more work or tonight if that is when you get the time to do it! Be hungry to improve, do your best, and know you will get there with persistence.

3 thoughts on “Rose A Day – 29

  1. ThroughMyEyes says:

    What a lovely idea. Roses are my favorite and reading your posts brings me Home right when I needed it. Your words feel so familiar suddenly 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. franz says:

    thank you it inspire me


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