Oh the Beauty of Us

Closing eye lids; like peering out of open panes,
into the infinite expanse of experience.
Would you have me dream of anything else?

Were I anything but free,
Rise and rise again I would,
I’d long to feel your heart’s
magnetic resonance at my finger tips.

To ease into your soft lungs,
as your bronchioles feed me to your alveoli,
to give love to your life,
as thy blood delivers oxygen
to the farthest reaches of your body.

To follow along as your impulses jump the synapses
and watch the beauty o’ your mind unfold into time,
till they enfold on me and kiss mind once again in mine.

To know I am, and I do.
The beauty of us, is you.

3 thoughts on “Oh the Beauty of Us

  1. Canyoufeelit... says:

    I would think this one begs for more action than words. Simply Breathtaking! Looking forward to your next.


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