To Stay Updated

I wanted to post something in order to keep you die hards out there breathing. I’ve had no internet, and no time outside of all the OT to finish the current pieces I am cooking up. It’s been a wild few weeks. I’ve actually gained about 700 readers over this month. I never thought I’d garner such an interest from so many people.

That being said I certainly want to keep feeding the fire so to speak, but I’m not always able to post as I’d like because everything must be to a certain degree – It takes a lot to make sure I put the right words with each other – Perhaps in the interim anyone with questions for me – About anything – could ask them in the comments. I’ve rather enjoyed engaging with those who have chosen to fire at me, and would like to extend the opportunity for everyone to do so.

If you have any thoughts that have been prodding you since reading something I’ve posted… Go ahead and ask! If you want to know how I do what I do… Ask! If you want to tell me something dark and insidious, I’m not going to stop you – We could find the beauty in it together. You know how I like darkness! And If you don’t yet… you will!

You know I’ve always been open; I broke once, and couldn’t help but to stay open mouthed to this universe

20 thoughts on “To Stay Updated

  1. No questions, however want to let you know how much I enjoy the steam – of – consciousness in your writing. Especially the poem interludes! (((hugs)))


  2. What is your first name? It gives me an anchor when I’m reading the words of another. My only other comment is stay true to your writing, and don’t let others discourage you from your self-expression.

    One of the things I like about your blog is you obviously LIKE women as people. Alfred, Lord Tennyson, was a poet who had his point of view, but always allowed women their dignity and respect. From what I’ve read on your blog, you do the same, but in a very heart-wrenching way.

    I look forward to your next post. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by with a question. I hope it’s okay for me to temporarily disappoin; Perhaps at a future time I’ll tell my name 🙂 perhaps it’s already hidden in all this writing!

      I absolutely do like women as the persons they are. We’re all learning what it means to be people and well… I understand myself as I am, but I’ve learned it through those I’ve gone the deepest with.

      it is on its way shortly – the next post that is.


      Liked by 1 person

  3. kavvzzz says:

    I wonder what fuels the light needed to be switched off in your darkness.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. ajoy_art says:

    Just here to say thank you for sharing a part (or all?) of you with us it’s been wonderful to have your posts in my reader, the way you write inspires me.
    As for questions.. I have parts of questions floating around in my head but I will wait until they are clear.. Maybe it will be only one question.
    Enjoy the ride 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Heartafire says:

    You’ve got a gift…like it a lot.


  6. I’m anxious to read each post. Your stream of concentration or lack of, which helps you create, is a gift. When you say you need to make sure every word is in its place. I identify with you. I routinely deny what I feel should be said. To my own detriment and I find comfort in reading yours. Keep on, IV.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. What is it that inspires you the most?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Day to day the little moments in which I am alive. The little instants in which I take a breath consciously and hold it just a little longer even though time would argue that’s impossible. The face of the earth and all her beauty; Her light and her darkness, her softness and her necessary adamance.

      I hope that is good enough until I write on it further in a post 😉



  8. 韩瑞雅 (Hán Ruì Yǎ) says:

    You are an extremely ingenious writer and I am very much inspired with the way you play with words.
    Thank you very much for liking my posts, it always makes me feel so happy when seasoned writers like you, like my wandering thoughts. Thank you very much once again. 🙂


    • Very much welcome – I enjoy taking my time to read what others write. I think we all give so much, and deserve to have a bit of time paid to what we give.

      Thanks for your wonderful compliment and taking the time to stop by,

      Liked by 1 person

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